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28 January 2010

My First Webex Session

Salam and good afternoon.

It's been a busy day today despite it being a Thursday. However I've managed to slot into my schedule a live online session with ISI trainer, Dr. Lim Khee Hiang who is actually based in Singapore.

Some of you might have been aware of the announcement regarding ISI Web of Knowledge webex sessions I made last week. There were actually 2 sessions, and I registered for the second session with the topic Journal Citation Report: Where should I submit my publication?

Registration was very easy. Just click on the stipulated link and register online. Wallah, you're in. Yesterday I received a reminder about today's session as well as the registration ID and session password, as well as the steps that I need to follow to join the live session.

Being a first-timer in a Webex session, I'm sorry to say it didn't turn up quite well because I can only watch Dr. Lim's slide presentation and the live demo on using JCR without hearing his voice. To any of you who plan to join the next time (February's schedule is coming out soon!), please be reminded to click 'Yes' when prompted 'register VoIP'.

I did exactly the opposite, resulting in the silent movie mode that I had to endure for almost half an hour (huhuhu). Then I played around the tabs and buttons and finally, towards the end of the session I managed to turn on the voice. It was quite unclear at first, but once you get the hang of it, I think Dr. Lim's voice was actually quite comprehensible.

Talk about an ignorant first-timer.

Am looking forward for the next session in February ... there will be one on EndNote Web!

The Webex session digitally captured. Will be updating the rest of the content soon.


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